Discipline must be:
Individualized and consistent for each child;
Appropriate to the child’s level of understanding; and
Directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control.
A caregiver may only use positive methods of discipline and guidance that encourage self-esteem, self-control,
and self-direction, which include at least the following:
Using praise and encouragement of good behavior instead of focusing only upon unacceptable behavior;
Reminding a child of behavior expectations daily by using clear, positive statements;
Redirecting behavior using positive statements; and
Using brief supervised separation or time out from the group, when appropriate for the child’s age and
development, which is limited to no more than one minute per year of the child’s age.
There must be no harsh, cruel, or unusual treatment of any child. The following types of discipline and
guidance are prohibited:
Corporal punishment or threats of corporal punishment;
Punishment associated with food, naps, or toilet training;
Pinching, shaking, or biting a child;
Hitting a child with a hand or instrument;
Putting anything in or on a child’s mouth;
Humiliating, ridiculing, rejecting, or yelling at a child;
Subjecting a child to harsh, abusive, or profane language;
Placing a child in a locked or dark room, bathroom, or closet with the door closed or open; and
Requiring a child to remain silent or inactive for inappropriately long periods of time for the child’s age.